Construction & asset management

In the face of rapid population expansion, the rise of megacities, and the transformative impact of digital disruption and artificial intelligence, the construction and asset management sectors are undergoing profound changes.

At Tech Lab, we adopt a multidisciplinary approach to tackle the challenges confronting contemporary society. By integrating cutting-edge technologies such as IoT, advanced data analytics, augmented reality, AI, and robotics into civil and environmental engineering, we are at the forefront of shaping the future of infrastructure. From pioneering smart buildings and sustainable materials to revolutionizing automation processes and deploying intelligent drones, our innovations are driving the evolution of these crucial industries.



Areas of expertise

Smart structures & materials

Unlocking the full potential of structural performance and design, we leverage IoT sensor technology and cutting-edge data science methodologies to acquire and analyse data.


Enhancing safety and operational efficiency by leveraging automation technologies to replace human workers in hazardous environments.

Cement & concrete

We pioneer groundbreaking advancements in cement and concrete technologies, including the integration of IoT sensors within structures.

Structural health monitoring & non-destructive testing

We deploy advanced strategies for long-term damage detection and characterisation, bolstering structural reliability and life cycle management.

Intelligent drones

Leveraging advanced drone technology to generate high-resolution 3D imagery of construction sites, our solutions enable seamless remote monitoring of systems and assets.

Construction management with augmented reality

Experience interactive 3D modeling and real-time feedback tailored for construction site and infrastructure management.

Laboratories supporting the construction industry

Tech Lab offers a number of multi-disciplinary labs that support and enhance the construction, smart infrastructure and asset management industries.

Industry research projects

The Acoustics Lab, Structural Testing Lab and Material Characterisation Lab are unique facilities available to Tech Lab partners.