Transport Research Centre

The UTS Transport Research Centre is a global leader in smart transportation systems, enhancing the design, performance and management of critical transportation infrastructure in modern complex environments.


  • Large-scale Transport Process Simulation Triaxial Facility
    • To test the feasibility of recycled rubber derivatives on the performance of ballasted rail tracks.
  • Hollow Cylinder Equipment
    • To simulate the complex stress paths generated in the soil layer when subjected to moving loads.
  • True Triaxial Apparatus
    • To model the three-dimensional stress state in soil.
  • Small-scale cyclic triaxial apparatus
    • To study the cyclic behaviour of soils subjected to a wide range of transport loading.



  • Transport infrastructure – design, construction and materials
  • Data analytics, predictive maintenance and decision support systems
  • Traffic optimisation and tactical measures, stability and health monitoring
  • Physical modelling, reliability analysis and computational advances
  • Transport economics, planning and service engineering