Acoustics testing

Tech Lab’s extensive acoustic engineering facilities include an anechoic chamber, a hemi-anechoic chamber and two reverberation rooms, all fitted with Brüel & Kjær microphones. We offer a range of testing services to measure acoustic performance and optimise the acoustic behaviour of products and materials.

Our facilities can be used to measure

  • Transmission loss and sound reduction index of structures
  • Transmission loss (Rw) of walls and doors
  • Transmission loss (Rw) of windows
  • Sound absorption and insulation
  • Sound power
  • Audio equipment


  • Anechoic chamber (usable dimensions): 4.5m x 2.7m x 4.6m
  • Hemi-anechoic chamber (useable dimensions): 7.2m x 4.9m x 5.3m
  • Reverberation room (source room): volume 147m3, surface area 176m2
  • Reverberation room (receiving room): volume 232m3, surface area 247m2
  • Transmission loss test steel aperture: 2.99m high x 3.37m wide
  • Dimensions comply with relevant standards


We test to a range of ISO standards, including ISO 354, ISO 10140 / ISO 717-1 / AS 1191, ISO 3741, ISO 3744, ISO 3745 and ISO 389.

We can advise appropriate standards to test against, or undertake developmental testing that doesn’t adhere to a particular standard.

Brüel & Kjær equipment

  • Free field and diffuse field microphones with pre-amplifiers
  • Pulse software and signal generators
  • Pulse multi-channel data acquisition
  • Omnidirectional sources
  • Impedance Tube
  • Head and torso simulator
  • PULSE electroacoustic and turntable system
  • Sound intensity measurement system
  • 64 channel microphone array

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Virtual Tour

Check out our hemi-anechoic chamber