Partner with Tech Lab

At Tech Lab, we’re your dedicated partner in achieving your R&D strategy. With an agile, adaptable, and collaborative approach, we empower you to transform your innovative concepts into market-ready solutions.

Our state-of-the-art research facility serves as a nexus between academia and industry, translating university-led research into tangible economic outcomes. We foster dynamic collaborations with both local and global industry leaders, emphasising cross-disciplinary solutions and actionable results.

Explore the diverse partnership models we offer, designed to cater to start-ups, SMEs, and large corporations alike. Join us at UTS Tech Lab and unlock the full potential of collaborative innovation.

Why partner with UTS Tech Lab?

  • Cutting-edge facilities: Direct access to advanced labs and cutting-edge equipment.
  • Expertise on demand: Tap into our leading academic and technical talent pool.
  • Collaborative environment: Co-locate with a dedicated workspace for seamless project integration.
  • Flexible IP solutions: Tailored approaches to intellectual property ownership.
  • Interdisciplinary insights: Benefit from diverse perspectives and collaborative project input.
  • Talent development: Build future-ready teams with skilled student interns and project support.
  • Funding insights: Stay updated on available funding opportunities.
  • Industry network: Access the Tech Lab ecosystem, connecting with a range of industry partners.
  • Smooth path to market: De-risk your journey to commercialisation with our comprehensive support.

Need R&D support?

We can work with your team to develop a bespoke solution.

Partnership models

Tech Lab Membership

Our most advanced level of partnership offers comprehensive access to our facilities, R&D expertise and support to execute your projects from concept to deployment. We take a bespoke and responsive approach based on single or multiple projects identified by partners. Membership is covered by an annual subscription fee with a contract duration typically between 1-5 years.

Product Testing

Tech Lab provides access to laboratories for general purpose or routine data collection, product standardisation and testing. Partners may use their own staff or Tech Lab can act as a consultant, performing the tests and providing written reports and certifications as required.

R&D as a Service

Tech Lab can be contracted to undertake R&D on behalf of partners. Once you identify your project objectives, we work to an agreed timeline to deliver the outcome.

Joint-funded projects

Our most advanced level of partnership offers comprehensive access to our facilities, R&D expertise and support to execute your projects from concept to deployment. We take a bespoke and responsive approach based on single or multiple projects identified by partners. Membership is covered by an annual subscription fee with a contract duration typically between 1-5 years.

Rapid commercialisation

UTS Rapido is a multi-disciplinary innovation hub with professional R&D engagement, engineers and project management. The team leverages their expertise in software, mechatronics, UX and digital solutions to innovate new products and services for industry and social impact partners.