
UTS Rapido is a multi-disciplinary innovation hub with professional R&D engagement, engineers and project management 

Rapido’s commercially focused team leverages expertise in software, mechatronics, UX and digital solutions to innovate new products and services for industry and social impact partners. 



  • A commercially focused R&D team that innovates new products and services 
  • Core capabilities include mechanical, mechatronics, UX and digital solutions, software engineering, data science, machine learning, 3D geometry processing, IoT and AI 
  • Projects range from comprehensive solutions to smaller projects to fill expertise gaps 
  • Enter a comprehensive, university-wide engineering and IT innovation ecosystem  
  • Access professional engineers, R&D experts and skilled project managers 
  • Collaborate with UTS world-class researchers, facilities and labs 
  • Get support navigating government entities and grant bodies 
  • Social impact and humanitarian R&D technology solutions supported through Rapido Social Impact 

Commercialise your idea

We support organisations to commercialise hardware and software products and solutions.

Project case studies

Mineral Technologies: Industry 4.0 production

Rapido replaced traditional manufacturing of the separators with Industry 4.0 production through the development of a large scale bespoke 3D printer. 

Omnia Wheel: Omni-directional conveyor solution

Rapido helped develop an efficient multi-directional, modular conveyor transfer station using omni-directional wheels to replace current larger, single-direction, industry standard transfer stations. The compact, modular design are now sold globally.

PolySpine: TGA safety and performance testing 

Working with a prototype of the exoskeleton, the Rapido engineering team successfully achieved PolySpine’s Conformity Assessment — to demonstrate compliance with the TGA’s essential safety and performance principles. 

SWAMSapp: First Aboriginal medical support app 

UTS Rapido provided User Experience (UX) and software development expertise to Professor Christopher Lawrence, Monash University, to research and implement this first Aboriginal medical support app for South West Aboriginal Medical Service (SWAMS).